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Introducing Consciousness: A Graphic Guide
Them: Adventures with Extremists; Jon Ronson
Censorship in the Two Irelands 1922 - 1939; Peter Martin
Writing in an Age of Silence; Sara Paretksy
Political Communication in the Republic of Ireland; Edited by Mark O'Brien and Donnacha Ó Beacháin
Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell: A Lifelong Fight for Peace, Justice, and Truth in Letters to the Editor; Bertrand Russell
The Retreat of Western Liberalism; Edward Luce
A World of Insecurity: Anthropological Perspectives of Human Security; Thomas Hylland Eriksen
The Rise of the Outsiders: How Mainstream Politics Lost its Way; Steve RIchards
The Dog Allusion; Martin Rowson
When Reporters Cross the Line: The Heroes, The Villains, The Hackers and the Spies; Stewart Purvis & Jeff Hulbert
The Freudian Slip, Psychoanalysis and Textual Criticism; Sebastiano Timpanaro
Forging the Border, Donegal and Derry in Times of Revolution 1911-1925; Okan Ozseker
The Reality Frame, Relativity And Our Place In The Universe; Brian Clegg
Utopia; Merlin Coverley
Solidarity Without Borders, Gramscian Perspectives on Migration and Civil Society Alliances
The Future is History, How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia; Masha Gessen
Ideas in Psychoanalysis, Phantasy; Julia Segal
Company Confessions, Revealing CIA Secrets, Christopher Moran
The Big Short, Inside the Doomsday Machine; Michael Lewis